The It-Girl of Motivation – Motivational Boards

What is a Motivational Board?

It has everything one dreams of, it’s a role model, an icon, it represents the final goal – the motivational board.
Usually being a visual tool, the motivational board is designed to keep up inspiration and motivation during the process of working towards and reaching your goal. It traditionally features images, quotes, and reminders that reflect your aspirations and encourage you to stay committed to your objectives. In the end, anything that helps one to stay motivated can be part of their personal motivational board.

In this post we want to provide a basic guide, a starter pack to creating your personal motivational board as a resource to staying on track and moving forward.

How to Create a Motivational Board

1. Define Your Goal
Start by clearly identifying the goal you want to achieve. This can quite literally be anything. Whether it’s a personal project, career milestone, or fitness objective, a small or big goal, having a specific target is necessary to create a motivational board – what else would you want to motivate yourself for? 
Clear objectives are also key to planning and achieving goals, as well as keeping you focused on the way.

2. Gather Materials

Get a board (corkboard, whiteboard, or poster board), pins or tape, and markers. You may also want magazines, printouts, and photos that inspire you. If you struggle collecting fitting physical objects, you could also create a board online, using images and quotes you’ve searched up. Overall collect materials that connect to your identified personal goal.

3. Choose Your Visuals

Select images, quotes, and words that represent your goal and motivate you. This could be pictures of successful people or family, motivational quotes, or images related to your goal

But, the items you choose to your motivational board don’t need to only refer to one’s visual sense. Whether you collect a specific piece of fabric because you want to be able to afford or create a whole garment out of it, or whether it’s a certain smell reminding you of a place you want to visit, truly anything that reminds you of your goal is of use – there are no limitations.

4. Organize Your Board

Arrange your visuals on the board in a way that’s appealing and easy to understand. We humans are visual animals, meaning we trust and rely a lot on our eyes. Making your board appealing will naturally enhance its impact as you’ll look at it more often.

To structure your board efficiently, a good trick is to group similar items together or create sections for different aspects of your goal. This way it’ll also be easier to keep track of your progress, current state and upcoming steps.

5. Add Personal Touches

Include personal milestones or reminders of why you want to achieve this goal. A personal relationship to your goal is most often the key component of motivation. Be sure to remind yourself of your motivations and inspirations origin. 

As well, adding a section for short-term achievements can keep you motivated as you make progress. Seeing this section evolving will visually embody your progress (visual animals), which influences motivation levels intensely.

6. Display Your Board

Place your motivational board in a spot where you’ll see it regularly. This constant visual reminder will help keep you focused and driven.

If your goal is related to a certain area in your home or your regular surroundings, displaying it near them can be helpful in seeing the progress, connecting what’s planned to the current situation and keeping you motivated as your brain will constantly connect the two.

If your goal isn’t of physical character, place your board at a space from your morning routine. This way you’ll start your day with visualising and recalling your goal.

7. Update Regularly

As you make progress or your goals evolve, update your board to reflect new inspirations and achievements

The plan you’ve worked out in the beginning is not carved in stone. Some events might lead to changes interfering with your original path. That is just a part of the natural development of life! Let your board evolve just as life does. 

If you want to, assign specific places to update parts of your goal once they are reached or add short term successes to constantly visualise that your goal is worth working hard for it.

8. Stay Positive

Make sure your board exudes positivity. Surround yourself with affirmations and images that uplift and encourage you rather than dragging or talking you down as a form of motivation. 

Some people tend to confront theirselves with the negative aspects of their current reality, the reality in which their goal isn’t reached yet. This might work at first, but over time you’ll lose the love and interest you once felt when thinking of your desire.

That’s the reason it’s not just more healthy but a lot more effective to motivate yourself by focusing on what is ahead of you and what you have already accomplished rather than what you’ve failed to do.

Creating and maintaining a motivational board can be a powerful tool to keep you inspired and on track toward your goals – and now, you even have a complete guide on how to design one! The only thing left to do now is motivating yourself to start your motivational board.

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